Another small selection of poems…

Motto for life... never give up!

 Against the Night

    In youth I looked on future days
and set my sights upon the sky;
But clouds of years, they clipped my wings
and left me flightless, wondering why.

     In middle years I laid my course
on Isles more easy to obtain.
Alas the waves of time did rise
and drove me back from whence I came.

    Again and yet again I strove,
to set a goal before my heart,
and with my every fiber strained, 
to reach my goal, and not my start.

    I've struggled thus for many years,
my future days are fewer still,
And still I will not stop the chase,
and say 'I can't' and not 'I will"!

   Without a wish to light my way,
 without a goal to set my sight,
' twer best I lay my head to rest
 upon the great eternal night.

Chris Apao

Sometimes I have to take a look at myself....

Who watches?

When I wake up each morning,
And the bathroom beckons me,
There's someone in the mirror 
There, peering out at me.

I look upon this person
And deep into her eyes.
No flinch at recognition
No subterfuge or lies.

I see in there an honest face...
If one that needs repair..
A cheery face, a peaceful one
That always greets me there.

God grant it never changes
That I won't give up the fight
To keep the straight and narrow,
And sleep in peace at night.


See Me

I laughed to see the sight of me
And asked myself 'How can this be?'
That graying hair and wrinkled skin
Could hide from view the me within?

My eyes now, there's a clue for sure
That lets one get a glimpse of her,
That holds my passions, thoughts and dreams
And shows that I'm not what I seem.

Never more than twenty -five
My love for life is still alive.
Undefeated, live, unseen,
I'm still the girl I've always been!

Chrystal Kay

Also about self...

Chiped China

It sits there in state
Prized on the shelf
A symbol of me that resembles myself!

It's had lots of use and done its job well. 
The chips and abuses have stories to tell.

Of life's lessons learned and wisdom that's earned
Of wishes and dreams, and bridges that burned

But through it all brightly it shines with soft glow
Of all that I did, and I am and I know

A mere china cup that sits on the shelf
A symbol of me that resembles myself!

Chrystal Kay

Thanks to May Nelson for the inspiration 
Inspired by part of a conversation on Facebook:
May Nelson:  ".... all dropped china , mostly gets chips n cracks, what makes us human, there's a poem for you lol"

A character in a movie inspired this poem....

Chances Lost

The first young man was smart and bright, so very full of life.
He came to me with heart in hand... Would I please be his wife?

But I was young and full of plans, my whole life lay before,
So I said no and watched him go, and I saw him no more.

The next to ask was middle aged, and I was twenty three.
He said his love would last through time, if I, his wife, would be.

I took in paunch and balding head, and bid him to be gone.
Yet others asked and still I balked, just waiting for 'the one'.

At last I found the perfect man, so vibrant and so young!
"Alas" he said, "You're much too old.  Why I could be your son!"

I started feeling desperate. 'I'll take what chance I get!"
But men no more came to my door, hearts at my feet to set

So now I sit alone and old and think of chances lost
I waited for the perfect man.  But Oh at what a cost!


Gladly I did not have this problem.  Found the man of my life, and spent a happy 41 years with him untill 'by death did we part'.  Don't make the mistake this lady did, and look for perfection.  You will never find it. Settle for love and let it be a good one.  God Bless!

It was hard to make a “poem” that didn't rhyme.  To me poems always should. But I have stretched my sense of poetry and am growing...

Dreams are all I have.

Tell me, do you think that I'm a fool?
Dreaming of you nightly,
Holding you complete within my arms.

How I hate the dawn of every day.
Knowing dreams are futile, still... 
They are all I have of you.

Tell me, can't you see it in my eyes?
Hiding there behind my smile,
Lips that hide the dying of my heart.

How I hate to see her in your arms.
Knowing you return her love, not mine.
Knowing you and I will never be.

Somewhere, someone's dreams come true,
And hopes bloom whole, and shining bright,
But mine will never see the light of day.

Dreams are all I have, all I have of you.
Oh please come the night.

Chrystal Kay

About Chrystalkay

75 and growing still. I love crochet, and any crafts, writing and poetry. And my newest loves are needle felting ... small things like gnomes, monsters and animals, and lately dry needle felting hats! I even have a couple of tutorials on how to do it! So much fun! I also have discovered Zentangle. It is a sort of structured doodling, that is relaxing and enjoyable. Usually takes 10 to 20 minutes of relaxed doodling. Look it up! My biggest love is my family, of which all are exceptional individuals. I am a big fan of each one of them! I love people and have a very good and loving relationship with God our father in heaven. He is the author of my life and my teacher, protector and guide. I hope each of you will seek a relationship with Him.. He will make such a huge difference in your life.
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